Saturday, June 20, 2009


My brother jimmy, his's a shuffler and i very admire the way he shuffle...his age is only 13 and he can do additing job so well like a pro i guest(in muvie maker kut)....urm here i load the scene that he make his can see it and please leave a msg to him,so that he can improve his self...i ask him wut is your ambition min?jiMmy said "i want to be an interior design or music director like Ramli Ms!!?!fuyoooooooo!!!i dun know who inspire him to get into music and all this stuff.....but it's ok,as long as it's gud for him..(dr jadik mat rempit!!)we juz give him full support and hopefully his dream will come true...(bolehlar akaks dia nih tumpang glamor!watchaaaaaaaa!)for his becoming buday we all think want to buy him a that he can start the guitar class ASAP....urmm wut di think??....
so enjoy the show!


RARA said...

bagus! need to practice more to improve himself. baru leh jadi cam aril awokkkkkkkk , Aril is a good shuffler, aku siap tgk dia shuffle kat youtube to double confirm!hahaha ok mmg smart

mRs aGed said...

ngeee...abih haus kasut,dia duk practice shuffle...huhuhu